Rulebook update

2.1. rulebook has been updated according the feedback and comments sent. Here is the list of updates. Thank you for all players who sent the comments!

  • Chapter 1.4. and 1.5: description of the half way line and the goal line (required, because these terms are used in the rulebook)
  • Chapter 4: The game turn stage numbers are updated. No changes for the order of the stages.
  • Chapter 4.1.1: Errors in the text of the offside rules fixed.
  • Chapter 4.1.2: A new rule added. The purpose of the rule is to block safe-passes far areas if the situation in the start area is poor for the controlling team.
  • Chapter 4.1.3: The order of the ball value modifications is changed to improve the game balance and reality.
  • Chapter A long pass modifier will be ignored if the ball goes through an area where the controlling team has double number of the players compared to the passive team.  Applies only if the ball goes over one area (not for a longer passes). This increase the value of the centre circle area and offers more tactical options for the game.
  • Chapter 4.8.7: A goal keeper has now a free movement to return the penalty area from an adjacent area.
  • Chapter 4.8.8: Corrections for the dribbling text. No rule changes.
  • Chapter 4.10: If the pressing die equals the ball value, nothing happens (just minor update to increase the game balance)
  • Chapter 5.1: Free kick rule text errors fixed. Unnecessary rules removed.
  • A4: Injured player substitution clarified.
  • A8: The skill list updated according the World Cup skills.